Provenance has always been very important for us.

Home-made. Regional. Attentive. This craft is something we have adored for generations.
A seal of approval for all of our meats is very special to us: honesty & origins. After all, provenance really is everything.


It is not just the Gmachl’s sausages that are a favourite with the people of Bergheimer. Along with various meats, there are also
home-made ‘Leberkäse’ (beef and pork loaf) varieties, grandma’s sandwich spreads and lots of real delicious treats from Salzburg.

To the website

Franz der Metzger im Genussdorf Gmachl in Salzburg
Hauswurst beim Franz der Metzger im Genussdorf Gmachl in Salzburg
Fleischwaren beim Franz der Metzger im Genussdorf Gmachl in Salzburg

FRANZ der Metzger opening times & contact

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 45 21 24-69

Monday - Friday 7.00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday 8.00 am - 12.00 am

Parking available