Sense the growth. Re-ground. Energy bursts forth vigorously here. Just flourish.

Relax in the open air, simply because it gives an overwhelming sense of release. We think relaxation should not be limited. Find the peace outside - in your SPA Hotel Gmachl at any time with pleasure.

Garten Spa

As the name already announces, the Dorfspa garden convinces with a spacious garden area and a natural bathing pond. In this park not only thoughts have room to grow, the sheer endless size is suitable for dreamy walks with plenty of fresh air after the infusion in the spacious sauna worlds. In addition to the natural bathing pond, an indoor pool and outdoor pool provide variety. There are hardly any limits to your wellness enjoyment at the SPA Hotel Gmachl.

Our Garden Spa contains:

25m Garden pool (31 degrees)
Indoor pool (30 degrees)
Garden whirlpool (38 degrees)
Salt-water grotto (38 degrees)
Pine sauna (60 degrees)
Relaxation room "weitblick"
Family sauna and steam bath

Children aged 3+ welcome

All the wellness & spa areas at a glance

Pool im Dorf Spa im Wellnesshotel Gmachl Salzburg Bergheim
Sonnige Terrasse im Garten-Spa des Genussdorfs Gmachl mit gemütlicher Liege, Blick auf den Naturpool und umgeben von grüner Vegetation.
Infinity-Pool im Garten-Spa des Genussdorfs Gmachl bei Sonnenuntergang, mit Liegeflächen, Sonnenschirmen und Blick auf die Berge.
Heller Ruheraum im Garten-Spa des Genussdorfs Gmachl mit bequemen Sitzflächen, Kräuterpflanzen, großen Fenstern und Panoramablick auf die Natur.
Indoor Pool im Garten SPA im Wellnesshotel Genussdorf Gmachl in Salzburg
Ruheraum Weitblick im Garten SPA im Wellnesshotel Gmachl in Bergheim