Invigorate your life in the Spa Hotel in Salzburg.

We find that a village is a great place to reinvigorate your life. In our Dorf Spa at the Wellness and Spa Hotel Genussdorf Gmachl we want to emphasise that feeling for where we come from - our roots. After all, just like for lilies, roots are our lifelines. They are responsible for our daily vivacity and energy.

Our Dorf SPA from top to bottom

Dorf SPA character

Refresh your roots.

  • Space to maintain personal intimacy & homely retreat
  • Vitarium Spa Competence: Natural cosmetics & treatments that get under your skin
  • A "sea" of invigorating water qualities and areas
  • Diverse wet and steamy areas exude mystical spirit
  • Inspiring sound journeys into the world of lightness
  • Feeling of nature through lots of invigorating green & natural materials
  • Gmachl's balance program: relaxation - strengthening - regeneration
  • Beautiful feel-good architecture for body & mind
Infinity Pool in Salzburg Bergheim im Wellnesshotel Gmachl
Infinity Rooftop Pool & views to the fortress

Come to the surface and enjoy the views to the fortress. Somehow the sky seems so close. Everything feels light. Just lift off.


verschiedene Produkte Wellnessbereich im Genussdorf Gmachl in Salzburg
Massage & Cosmetics

Top up your radiance and go offline


Infinity-Pool im Genussdorf Gmachl mit Spiegelung der Hotelanlage und Blick auf die umliegende Natur bei Sonnenaufgang.
Indoor & Outdoor Pool

Sense the growth. Re-ground. Energy bursts forth vigorously here. Just flourish.


Frau entspannt auf einer weißen Lounge im Wellnessbereich des Genussdorfs Gmachl, neben einem natürlichen Schwimmteich mit grünem Wasser und umgeben von Holzdekor und Natur.
Sauna & Fitness

Immerse yourself in an area filled with relaxation. Rediscover balance. Keeping everyday life outside. Just ‘hanging’ out.


Just ‘hanging’ out.

Our wish is that you feel wonderful wherever you are in the Genussdorf.
Letting go and relaxing is priority number one today.

Awards & Ratings

Wellness Heaven

Test result:
9,25 / 10

Relax Guide Award

highest mark 20 of 20
4 / 4 lilies

Gmachl Genussdorf im RELAX Guide

Best Alpine Wellness Hotel

Best Alpine Wellness of the highest standard: Your wellness holiday with the wellness professionals.